Merlí's second season is being shot


This season will premiere next fall and will feature new faces, teachers, students and their families.

In early May began the shooting of the second season of Merlí, the famous TV series of Televisió de Catalunya produced by Nova Veranda. It tells the story of a philosophy professor and his high school students. The new season, which debuts next fall, is formally and conceptually the same as the first on, but with the addition of new characters, both among teachers and between students and their families.

Francesc Orella puts back into the skin of Merlí Bergeron, a professor of philosophy, iconoclast and very peculiar. The new season starts with the beginning of the second year of high school, where their students have aparently matured a bit. But in the end, they are the same fun and clueless teens that we already know. A new student in the classe will generate new relationships within the group.

Created by Hector Lozano and directed by Eduard Cortés, Merlí is one of the most watched TV3's series in recent years. The first season earned an average of 561,000 viewers and a share of screen of 18'3%, and has become a fan phenomenon among young audiences.

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