Arboreda Gardens

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Updated: 04/03/2020

C/ Mecànica, 10
08038 Barcelona



Cultural productions:
Barcelona Film Commission
(+34) 93 454 80 66

(You can also manage the permit by filling the forms in this website)

Commercial Productions:
Medi Ambient - Parcs i Jardins

The Jardins de l'Arboreda and Jardins de Sant Cristòfol share a neighbourhood and past as part of the old Seat flat redevelopment. The two are joined by a lane that acts as an "umbilical cord" and offers local residents direct access to Passeig de la Zona Franca. Better sheltered and protected than the Sant Cristòfol Gardens, the Arboreda Gardens are what you would expect of a hard-surface square, where tall trees compete with the buildings surrounding the parterres.

The Seat flats are part of the area’s industrial past and the Arboreda Gardens are now fully established as urban gardens.

Sections from this amenity
Area of Childish Game